If a shelf-stable item purchase is returned to us new and in original packaging within 15 days of delivery, we will offer a store credit for your order total and less our costs for shipping and handling each way. However, please be mindful of the following details regarding returns:
Return Policy for Cancelled Orders
An order cannot be cancelled once it has been shipped. If you decide to cancel after shipment, our standard return policy applies.
Return Policy for Perishable Items
If a perishable item is returned to us marked as “undeliverable” we cannot offer a store credit. Unfortunately, unlike items that have a longer shelf life, items that are perishable are unable to be resold after they are sent back to us. When this situation occurs, we do offer customers a 20% discount on a replacement order.
Return Policy for Damaged Products
If a product arrives damaged or with items missing, please notify us within 15 days. We would be happy to send you a replacement as soon as possible.
To return an item or order, please contact us at [email protected]